3 Dozen Basics - chocolate with buttercream and vanilla with buttercream
Know what I love? When I get an order from a family member - it's awesome! Leslie was talking with my Aunt Sherry (who was the one who first showed me cake decorating!) and they were talking about cupcakes I brought to the family reunion.
Every year Leslie throws a Halloween get together and this year asked if I could make cupcakes for the event. Of course! Count me in - especially since I've been blog stalking and searching pictures of fall themed cupcakes! So this was right up my alley!
Into the kitchen we go! Chocolate cupcakes made first, then the vanilla and set out to cool. I'm going to be honest, there is nothing "exciting" anymore about them - I've made them so many times it's like second nature and I love it!
During the week, while watching TV one night, I made up some of the cupcake picks from scrapbook paper and foam halloween cutouts! Also made BATS out of sparkly foam letters - since this was for the Bryn Atherns Thrift Store (BATS for short!).
I think they came out adorable - do you agree?
Steph said this resembles a cupcake graveyard...not so sure I agree ;)
BOO! I see you!
This order was so much fun to make and I think the toppers were the perfect accessories! Leslie and friends - I hope you enjoy your luncheon and hope you have a fantastic Halloween!
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