Monday, July 7, 2014

Order Up: Happy 1st Birthday Colton!

The Order: 
1 Giant Cupcake

Ok, so let me start out by saying that this order was one of my favorites to make! I love when customers give me an idea and then creative "reign" so to speak. 

Casey and Frank won a cupcake gift certificate and asked me if they could switch it for a smash cake for their son's first birthday!  Of course- I love making smash cakes!  Frank sent me this picture as a "guide" and after a few texts he let me know that instead of green, we could use blue:

I think the hardest part of making these is the actual baking process for the "giant" cupcake! They take about 55-75 minutes to bake depending on the batter and I swear I stand at the oven watching and watching and watching to make sure I take it out at the right time.  After that it's onto the cooling rack for about 2 hours to make sure it was fully cooled!

As this was cooling, I made the frosting and did some practicing on a few extra cupcakes I had sitting around to make sure I liked the way the piping was decorated :) Once cooled, it was time to get to work, I started by frosting the bottom half using a star tip, which surprisingly wound up being pretty easy!  Once that was done, I decided to spice it up and use a grass tip to pipe "fur" onto the top of the cupcake.  Once that was done, I added a black mouth and then added 3 gooey eyes and M&Ms for the feet at the bottom!  I happened to stumble upon the polka dotted cake mat which I think worked perfectly!  

I was so excited when I got this picture! I think that Colton enjoyed his cake, don't you?!?!

Happy Happy 1st Birthday Colton!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Order Up: Happy 1st Birthday, Bella!

The order: 
2 dozen Vanilla 
1 dozen Oreo

I know it's the middle of summer and Annabella is on her way to becoming a big 2 year old, but I HAVE to blog about how adorable her first birthday was! A few months before her party, Katrina(Bella's Momma) and I were stalking pinterest for ideas since she wanted to do a fall themed birthday - then she decided on Bella's Pumpkin Patch! 

The colors were going to be pink, orange and white (polka dots and stripes!) As were were discussing cupcakes, we got the idea to use candy corns and candy pumpkins to put on top of 'grass'.  Katrina ordered cupcake picks too, which completed the look!  

These were so fun to make and I hope to make more fun ones this fall too!

Birthday Girl!!
Pumpkin Patch Cupcakes!!!

SO cute!
All setup and waiting to be eaten!


Monday, June 16, 2014

Order Up: Happy 1st Birthday, James!

The Order: 
8 Dozen Cupcakes (Vanilla, Chocolate Chip and Take Pride)
1 Smash Cupcake

Let me preface this blog again by saying that James is now well onto his way to being a big 2 year old now that this blog is being written...but...

A few months before James was set to celebrate this big first birthday, Lizz contacted me about placing her cupcake order.  The theme was going to be Sesame Street and she was having cupcake toppers made! How cute!

Into the kitchen we went the day of to bake the order - which was pretty awesome since with the flavors she picked, it was just making a few batches of our vanilla cupcakes!  The only thing I wanted to kick myself on was not baking the smash cake first - lesson learned there - those suckers take a long time to cool down so they can be properly frosted!

First in were the plain vanilla and chocolate chip then onto dying the batter for the take pride and cooling them off! Onto frosting and voila the cupcakes were done.  Just as I was getting ready to start on the smash cake, I realized it wasn't fully cooled.  I'll admit I did have a few moments of panic since I was behind schedule on getting this done and I still had to deliver these!

After I got it together, I cooled off the smash cake in the fridge, got to frosting and put together! Of course on my way there, one piece of the cake did fall off, but good thing I brought my frosting bag with me to take care of fixing it!  

Here's a few pics to leave you with!

How cute is this cupcake stand?

More cupcakes and the adorable cupcake picks custom made!
Smash cake!!!
Cupcake Table!

James smashing into his cake!

Happy 1st Birthday, James - we hope you enjoyed Sesame Street!!!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Order Up: Baby Shower treats!

The order:
1 Dozen Chocolate 
1 Dozen Vanilla

Know what I love? When we have repeat customers who contact us for lots of different events!  Christine contacted us to have cupcakes made for a baby shower she was hosting - but the twist was instead of pink or blue, they decided on purple and green which I personally LOVED! 

We were going back and forth as the theme was going to be butterflies, once they figured it out - they decided on a smaller cake decorated and plain cupcakes to compliment!  No problem for us since chocolate and vanilla are pretty standard!

Into the kitchen to bake up the sweet treats, dye the frosting, swirl it on and deliver!

Can I just say how I love how this table comes together - especially with the painted background?!? How adorable and what a cute theme!

Best wishes for the new bundle of joy (who I am sure may have arrived since we made this order and are just now catching up on blogs...whoops!)

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday Scarlett!!

The order:
1 Dozen Funfetti
1 Dozen Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

It's birthday time for a special little girl!  One of my friend's Jen contacted me to see if I could make cupcakes for Scarlett's birthday party.  Of course we can! This year's theme was Dora (last year was Mickey and Minnie!)

The night before, it was prep time for these a-Dora-ble cupcake toppers! I think they turned out so cute!

The next day, it was into the kitchen to get to baking! Cupcakes baked and cooling, frostings made, cookie dough mixed and waiting to be filled into cupcakes :)

I filled the cookie dough first since that took more steps.  Once they were done it was time to frost and box up the funfetti!  They were topped with the cupcake toppers! 

Happy 2nd Birthday Scarlett - hope you enjoyed your cupcakes and had a great birthday!!!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Order Up: Sunflower Baby Shower!

The order:
1 dozen vanilla cupcakes 
1 dozen chocolate cupcakes 
2 dozen cakepops 

Rachel strikes again! She contacted me a few days ago to place an order for her sister-in-laws baby shower! She told me the theme was sunflowers, so we did some searching online to find some inspiration and found 2 that matched perfectly. 

Into the kitchen we went! Rach and I had talked about using green cupcake wrappers but I found these adorable 'pots' that I was dying to bake with, so we used those instead.  Cupcakes were baked, frostings were made, and everything was cooling while we waited to decorate! 

Up first were the chocolate cupcakes in the little pots! I love how these turned out! 
Once they were frosted it was onto the vanilla! All boxed up and ready to go...and I still love our packaging! 

After the cupcakes it was time for cake pops! While I was frosting the cupcakes I had already made the cake pop insides and they were chilling in the freezer so I heated up the chocolate and started dipping those bad boys! Since my paper cutter went in the fritz when I was trying to make the flower to go around them, it was time to improvise with some yellow cupcake wrappers! 

What do you think? 

And how awesome is Rachel? She even sends me pictures of everything setup! Such an adorable cake table! 

Happy sunflower baby shower and I hope everyone enjoyed the sweets! 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Order Up: Showers of Happiness!

The Order:
1 dozen chocolate with vanilla buttercream
1 dozen vanilla with chocolate buttercream
2 dozen chocolate chip with vanilla buttercream

A few weeks ago, Marlene and I were playing phone tag - she wanted to order cupcakes for her future daughter-in-laws bridal shower.  After looking around on the website, she wanted the cupcake dress and was waiting for the final headcount to confirm how many dozen she needed. 

The week before the shower, Marlene called me to confirm her order and let me know that the colors were orange and brown and wanted to incorporate that into the frosting - no problem at all!  I headed off to Michael's to look for beading or flowers to match the orange and brown theme - and I found so many cute things! Once that was complete, it was home and into the kitchen to bake. 

First up were the chocolate cupcakes, then the vanilla.  While they were cooling, it was time to plan the layout of the dress and make the frosting.  Once the cupcakes were cooled and I was happy with the layout, it was time to secure each cupcake to the board with a dab of frosting - lesson learned! Once they were secure, then it was time to frost. Marlene had one request that there are no "spaces" in between the dress - no problem at all! After the frosting was complete and all spaces were filled, it was time to apply the flowers and beading!  This part is exciting but also a bit nerve wracking - when you're placing the beading, you want to make sure you place it right the first time so you don't mess up the frosting.  After everything was situated, I was happy with the result! What do you think? 

After the dress was boxed up and complete, it was onto frosting the chocolate cupcakes with orange buttercream and the vanilla with chocolate buttercream.  I love how the frosting color turned out!
Thank you Marlene and I hope the bride-to-be enjoyed her treats and got everything she wanted from her shower!