The order:
1 Dozen vanilla cupcakes with buttercream icing
Once again, an order for Ang. She has quite an addiction I'd say...but we love it! She might keep me in business single handely ;)
The decorating request was something girly and I knew exactly what we would do! I got the cutest cupcake holders - they were pink with zebra print high heels on them and I have a high heel chocolate mold!

Thursday morning before leaving for work, the cupcakes were baked(I know, I know - why can't I just be able to bake cupcakes all day right?!?) When I got home, the icing was made, cupcakes were frosted and decorated and waited for the cupcake monster to come pick them up! I love how excited her and Gida get when they come to pick them up!

Happy Birthday Tamika and hope you enjoyed your celebration in style!

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