1 Dozen Reese's Love
1 Dozen Smitten Snickers (YAY I finally get to use it's "official name")
A few weeks ago, I got an email from Julie - my cousin's sister-in-law - letting me know that she wanted to place an order for her husbands birthday. My cousin Shannon took a batch of cupcakes on vacation with her, and Vince (Julie's husband) was able to try them and became hooked on the Reese's Love...rumor has it that he was wandering around the table looking to see who wasn't going to eat theirs! We love that!
In talking with her about the order, it came out that Vince is a twin and his brother's favorite candy is Snickers...insert the request for a Snickers Cupcake! Oh yeah - bring on that challenge!
I let her know that before I could commit to something with Snickers, I wanted to test out a few recipes, see what I liked and go from there.
Well as you know the test recipe was a success as discuss and blogged here:
So Sunday morning, into the kitchen we went. First up was making the Reese's Love. Have I mentioned that I love making these but they are a pain sometimes? The pain part comes in because you have to unwrap a WHOLE peanut butter cup for each cupcake. Oh you didn't know that? Yeah - it's a fat kids dream to have not only a cupcake, but a reese's cup baked inside. Nom nom nom.
Once they were done, we frosted, topped and attached our pretty ribbon and label to the box. Voila, happy little cupcakes!

Side note to this delivery - I was bringing them to a birthday party we were both attending on Sunday...and don't you know that 5 minutes before I am supposed to walk out the door, the heavens opened up and DUMPED buckets of rain...and it kept going. I began to panic "How the hell am I going to get these there, in one piece, without the rain getting in the way?" Wahhhhhhh I wanted to cry. Ah ha! Trashbag coverage...not the classiest of solutions, but it kept them dry while I transported from the house to the car. They made it safe and sound!
Happy birthday Vince and twin brother! I hope you all enjoy the sugar high!
By the way, they now make reeses peanut butter cups that come unwrapped in a bag, not the big big size, but I think plenty big for your cupcakes