So back to the cupcakes.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Order Up: Happy Birthday Kathy!
So back to the cupcakes.
Order up: Company Picnic!
1 Dozen Margaritaville
2 Dozen Reese's Love
Last night as I was on the train home, my uncle FB messaged me to ask if I was baking that night, turns out I was! He decided to place an order (us Ulrichs, always waiting til the last minute...) for his company picinic and a dozen for his family! How nice is he to send a dozen cupcakes home when he isn't there? And how could resist more exposure?
After a quick stop to pick up fresh key limes, it was home and into the kitchen. I baked up the Reese's Love first, since they take a shorter amount of time. As they were baking, the batter for the Margaritaville's were prepped.
A side note about these - if you aren't a straight margarita fan, you will not like this cupcake. It is made with fresh lime juice, zest and tequilla in the batter and in the icing. Some people like them, some people hate's all about personal preference!
Anywho. Reese's Love out and cooling, Margos in the oven to cook. As they were cooking/cooling, I began making the frostings. Since the Reese's were done cooling, it was time to swirl some frosting and get those bad boys boxed up.

After that, right onto the other little guys. Since it was a picnic, I wanted to add a little detail to make it summery, so coconut tree straws were added along with some green sugar, and Voila: happy cupcakes.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Order Up: Happy 1st Birthday Jaelyn!
2 dozen vanilla cupcakes with vanilla buttercream
2 dozen chocolate cupcakes with vanilla buttercream
The cupcake theme? Oh The Places You'll Go!
How adorable right? This order was for Christine, a return customer who we made the Jumbo Yankees cupcake for her husband. She emailed me to ask if we do work with fondant (not yet, still practicing!) and that her daughter's first birthday was coming up and the theme was Dr. Suess. Each table was going to be a book! I loved this idea the minute she mentioned it!!!
This order was due on Sunday, so once again it was up early and into the kitchen baking. I honestly couldn't wait to make these cupcakes since I just got a new piping tip that is a circle and knew that it wouldn't have to be "exactly" perfect because the book itself is all swirly and twirly!! She asked that I did stick with pink, yellow and blue for the icing so that it would match - no problem at all!
Once the vanilla and chocolate cupcakes were made, they were set to cool and the icings were made and colored. Then it was time to prepare the bags and get to piping! Swirl, swirl, star and voila!

Order Up: Happy Birthday Jenn and Dana!
2 Dozen Cupcakes decorated for birthdays
A friend of the family Peg was talking about the cupcake business when they were visiting her in Florida. She mentioned to Steph that she might want to try the cupcakes for her office for birthday parties. When they came back from the trip, I emailed with Peg and we setup the first delivery for July.
As the time came closer, I worked with Peg and figured out how to comprise an assortment to be provided to her office for the birthdays! It turns out that this came up on a great weekend where we were able to have a great variety to provide!
First up, we have Red Velvet and Carrot Cake.

They were decorated with birthday hats and cakes, and colored sprinkles. I loved the way that they look sitting in the box!

Next up, we made plain chocolate cupcakes. Normally I'm a vanilla girl all the way, but I've received a lot of comments on the chocolate cake that is made, so I decided to go with that.

To switch things up, I frosted 6 cupcakes with cream cheese frosting, the other 6 received the strawberry buttercream that is typically on the Strawberries and Champagne. Can't go wrong with chocolate and strawberry!

The order was packed up and delivered to the office this morning and the staff looked very excited to get a taste! It made me smile to make people happy first thing in the morning.
Thank you Peg for this opportunity to share the cupcakes and Happy Birthday Jenn and Dana - hope you enjoyed every bite!
Order Up: Wedding After Party!
6 Reese's Love
6 Weezy Carrot Cake
6 Red Velvet
6 Vanilla with Vanilla buttercream
I know this order may seem a bit whacky to you, but you have to understand, Aunt Louise (aka Weezy) is my aunt and my godmother, so whatever she wants, she gets :) We usually don't split the dozens, but with enough orders going out this weekend, I was able to make the orders and utilize any excess to get these done!
Anywho, Weezy emailed me last week, asking if I could make cupcakes for the after party of Christopher and Jessica's wedding - who happens to be her neighbor Cathy, who we've known pretty much our whole lives! Amazing when you see people who you remember from when you were little getting married - brings such a smile to my face. Of course, I was in!
After the meltdown on Saturday, I took a little while and went to rest in the yard with Winston, give myself a little pep talk, and get back to it. Since the wedding was going until 10 PM, it wasn't a rush.
First batch I made was the carrot cakes. I put a lot of attention into making each batch of cupcakes, but since I was making the cupcakes for the recipe creator, it was time to make sure they were extra perfect! And I must say, they turned out exactly how Weezy's carrot cake tastes! Once they were frosted with cream cheese frosting, I added green pearl details as the wedding colors were green and purple. And yes, there were more than just 6 cupcakes of each...I couldn't resist!

After that, I made up the Reese's Love and had the extra vanilla cupcakes from a morning order. I frosted the vanilla with a purple icing and added the same green pearl details. The Reese's speak for themselves.

Order Up: Happy 1st Birthday Holly Mae!
1 Dozen Vanilla with Vanilla Buttercream
1 Dozen Chocolate with Chocolate Buttercream
1 Dozen Chub Rub
2 Dozen Strawberries and Champagne
1 Jumbo Vanilla Cupcake
It's well known that my cousin Allison has fallen in love with the Strawberries and Champagne cupcake. So much so that she convinced her friend Becky to order cupcakes for her daughter's 1st birthday party. Insert me :)
Becky emailed me with her order and we were more than happy to accomodate! Friday night, into the kitchen we went to bake the giant cupcake since they take a while to bake.
Saturday morning, it was up and at em early! First baked were the chocolate cupcakes for the plain chocolate and Chub Rub. Next in, the vanilla cupcakes for Strawberries and Champagne and and vanilla. Once all the cupcakes were baked, they were set out to cool.
After that, it was frosting time! First completed were the Chub Rub cupcakes - I mean, how adorable do they look packaged up and ready to go?

Now it was time to tackle the big momma. I made the frosting, took the cake out of the fridge and applied the crumb coat. I put the cake back to "set" in the fridge (again, did I mention the heat/humidity was at an all time high?) and took a break for a few minutes. I may or may not have had a Reese's cup at this time.

Monday, July 25, 2011
Order Up: Tee Time for Charity!
1 Dozen standard cupcakes decorated in a golf theme
1 Dozen premium cupcake gift certificate
A friend of mine Katrina contacted me a few weeks ago asking if I would be interested in helping with a donation for their company's, ServePro, annual golf outing that benefits the McKeown Foundation, that is involved in a lot of things related to Alzheimer's Disease. As soon as I found out about that, I was in since Alzheimer's is a disease that hits home for me as I lost both of my grandparents on my mom's side to this disease. Seeing the impact that this disease has not only to those who have it, but their loved ones as well, I am in support of any types of research. I know that my Pop-Pop and Grammie are up in heaven watching down on me now and how they would both love my chocolate cupcakes :)
Man, this was a busy week in the kitchen! Since there were a lot of orders going out, I was able to provide more than just 12 cupcakes. In thinking about this order, I knew I wanted to pipe the cupcakes to look like grass, add some graham cracker crumbs to have a "sand trap"

As I got to decorating, a light bulb went on when I remembered that I bought little golf ball cupcake picks! How perfect to place them all over. Looks like a hole when you're golfing huh?

Final touch I added was a flag for the 18th hole.

I was SO happy with the way these turned out! I actually want to make a larger scale version of these the next time we head to the country club for a round of golf with Rich's dad for an event! I also noted next time that I'll smooth out some of the cupcakes for the "fairway" and smooth some out around the flag for for the putting greens!
Overall - I will call this a order a hole in one and can't wait to find out who the lucky winner of the gift certificate is! Good luck golfers!
Monday, July 18, 2011
Order up: Barb's Bridal Shower!
2 Dozen Reese's Love
1 Dozen Strawberries and Champagne
1 Dozen Chub Rub
1 Dozen Vanilla with Vanilla Buttercream
1 Dozen Chocolate with Chocolate Buttercream
It was a no-brainer to me when Steph mentioned to me that the 10 bridesmaids were starting to plan Barb's bridal shower that I would be making cupcakes for it. Barb has been awesome and commenting on our pictures and "like-ing" our status on facebook that I couldn't pass up an opportunity to make some cupcakes for her to try!
Since the shower was on Sunday, we decided to bake a batch of the cupcakes on Saturday night, the others bright and early on Sunday. Good thing I'm an early bird!
After the cucpakes baked and cooled, it was time to get to decorating. First up - Reese's Love. I needed to make sure these were perfect, just for Barb since they are the ones she has been drooling over! After that, had to get a little Chub Rub going - I forgot how fun they are to make...I mean really how can you go wrong with chocolate, marshmellow filling, topped with fudge and graham crackers? You can't...and it was fitting since it was so stinking hot that day and my chubby thighs were rubbing together!

Since I was not just baking for the party, I was attending, it was time to get packed up, get pretty and get out of there! Steph came over and took 1/2 of the cupcakes with her to get them there and setup, I arrived with the rest (after getting a little lost!) Cupcakes were setup and looked so pretty on the cupcake stands!

Best wishes Barb and Kev for a long, happy, healthy marriage! Can't wait for the wedding 9-10-11!
Order up: Block Party!
1 dozen Reese's Love
1 dozen Strawberries and Champagne
The donation:
2 dozen chocolate with vanilla buttercream
2 dozen vanillla with vanilla buttercream
This order came up thanks to my Uncle Michael - he emailed me that Kelly was having a block party and looking for donations. Since we're trying to get our name out there and reach more people, I was in.
I emailed Kelly to let her know that I would be interested in making a donation. I sent her the link to our FB page and to the website and from there the gears got going! Once she saw the flavor list, she decided to place an order!
Friday night, I decided to bake half of the cupcakes so that I wasn't pressed for time on Saturday. Once they were done, my besties from NY came down, so we took a little break.
Saturday morning, it was up and at 'em to finish the baking and get the icings prepared. It's funny how time seems to fly by and you get things done when you have entertainment!
The first batch of cupcakes to be frosted were the Reese's Love. Of course - how can you go wrong with those?!?

Next up? Strawberries and Champagne. I left out the Champagne since I knew kids would be around and didn't want them to get into the wrong hands!

After that it was time to frost and sprinkle the vanilla cupcakes. Since there was talk about a cupcake eating contest, I decided not to go crazy with the decorations and just added colored sprinkles!

Once those pretty little cupcakes were done, it was time for the chocolate.

Once all the cupcakes were frosted and decorated, it was time to box them up and send them on their merry way to be delivered to the block party!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Order Up: Congratulations Fran!

Monday, July 11, 2011
Order up: Happy Birthday Lizz!
1 dozen mini Red Velvet
1 dozen mini Strawberries and Champagne
1 dozen Fluffy Elvis
One of my good friends Denise contacted me last week asking if I would be able to make cupcakes for a friend's 40th birthday party. And how could we say no?
The cupcakes were needed Saturday evening, so Saturday was spent back in the kitchen (after I treated myself to a mani/pedi - after Friday's order, it was well deserved!) First batch in the oven were the Fluffy Elvis - I love making a batch of these - the whole house begins to smell like fresh baked banana bread. While they were baking to perfection, I prepped the Red Velvet batter. Since these were going to be little guys, I decided not to cut the recipe in half and I took the extras to a BBQ that evening. Just look at the pretty red color!

As the red velvet's were baking away, the vanilla cake was prepped for the Strawberries and Champagne. Those pretty little ones went into the oven and 30 minutes later, all the baking was done. From there, it was time to tackle the icing. I'm not going to lie, I actually sat in the chair and stared at the mounds of cupcakes and the mixer trying to decide what to tackle first - cream cheese, strawberry buttercream, make the filling for the Fluffy's. There may have been a few explicits that came out of my mouth, maybe even a few "WAHHHHHs", but a good song came on, I slapped on my apron and got to it. Moment of delirious was over :)
First was the cream cheese frosting. Seeing the pretty red velvets sitting there, I knew they needed to be properly dressed and placed into the fridge to set. Hello pretty little lady.

Next up, strawberry buttercream to frost the other leading lady of the evening. And wow - everytime I make this icing it smells wonderful and it just smells girly! Once they were frosted, they joined the red velvets in their little box, and went to set in the fridge.

And that left me with the star of the show. Funny, sometimes you forget how many steps it takes, especially with this cupcake. I had to text Denise and tell her I was running about a 1/2 hour behind schedule and I felt bad - I knew they had to get to the party, but I wasn't about to let something leave my kitchen that wasn't perfect! So I got to it - broke out the paring knife and hollowed out the inside of the cupcake, made the peanut butter filling and piped that into the cupcake. Then it was onto the frosting which was swirled onto the cupcakes and packed in their box waiting for pick up.

And with that, the pretty little cupcakes were on their way.
Order up: Happy Birthday Tamika!