Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Order Up: Happy Birthday Little Ry and Alexa!
Monday, December 19, 2011
Order Up: Happy Birthday Jesse!

Friday, December 9, 2011
Order Up: Happy Birthday Mikey!
24 mini basic vanilla cupcakes
2 XLarge Cookie Dough
This is another order from our one and only cupcake gremlin :) One of her best friends was having a birthday celebration and she wanted cupcakes for him. After numerous texts back and forth, we decided on the order and away to the kitchen I went!
First, for those who don't know...our gremlin has ordered cupcakes for just about everyone of her friends, sisters, any reason she can to get her paws on some cupcakes! So being awesome, I made sure that she got an extra large cupcake of her own so she didn't have to "oopsie" any!
Jumbo vanilla cupcake, cookie dough center, cream cheese frosting!
Hello little minis! Decorated with chocolate sprinkles, blue sprinkles and 2 candles, cause we make orders special like that!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Wedding Love: Silka and Frank!

Order Up: Baby Shower Celebration!
1 Dozen Chocolate Chip with Chocolate buttercream
1 Dozen Vanilla with Chocolate buttercream
1 Dozen Chocoalte with Vanilla buttercream
1 Dozen Red Velvet
1 Dozen Weezy's Carrot Cake
A few weeks ago, my moms friend from work contacted me about ordering cupcakes for the baby shower she was hosting for her daughter. At the time she wasn't sure about the response and wanted to talk through some ideas for what we could do to make the cupcakes special. I had an idea of a diaper cupcake and then using toppers to tie in the theme.
Maureen gave my mom a copy of the invitation - which was an animal theme with the colors of yellow, blue and green. When walking through Walmart one day, in the card section, I came across adorable stickers with assorted zoo animals on them! They were perfect. I then pulled out the scrap paper, paper cutters and got to work!
Once they were done, it was time to hit the kitchen to finish up the baking. Since we already had orders for Red Velvet and Chocolate, they were baked. That morning, it was time to make the vanilla, chocolate chip and Weezy's Carrot Cake.
First up were the vanilla. One the batter was made and put in the oven, it was time to start the carrot cake. I shredded the carrots, mixed up the cinnamon smelling batter and voila into the oven they went.
As the cupcakes finished up baking, I prepped the frostings and piping bags. Once the cupcakes were cooled, they were frosted and boxed up.
This order was one that I was taking to deliver and setup. I arrived at the restaurant and they did a great job at making it look adorable! The cake table was set up and already had some decorations so I got right to work.
First, I setup the cupcake stand and put the chocolate frosted cupcakes scattered on the stand. I topped each cupcake with one of the cupcake toppers and made sure Mr Giraffe was front and center on the top!
Seriously - isn't he adorable?
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Order Up: Thanksgiving Pot Luck!
3 Dozen cupcakes
My amazing cousin Michelle - who I've already told you about has done all of my graphic work. She's branched out and created a whole etsy site, has her own website and Facebook page, contacted me a while ago about wanting cupcakes for a Thanksgiving pot luck dinner that she was attending.
But stop. If you haven't already done so, go check out her blog and "Like" her on Facebook. NOW. Go.
Good little cupcakes :)
So the only thing Michelle said is that she would like a fall flavor included in the order - which will be the Caramel Apple Pie. Knowing she also loves the Reese's Love and Red Velvet, I decided to make her a number of minis so she can mix and match.
We also talked about making them look "fall" - but I wasn't about to put a turkey or anything on them, so I rolled out some fondant for the Reese's Love and made little leaves. I hate the way some fondant tastes, so I made them thin and put them on top so if people didn't want to eat, they didn't have to! So once the decorating was done, they were boxed up and ready to go!
Happy little Reese's Love and Red Velvets!
Monday, November 14, 2011
Order Up: Wedding Day Treats!
3 Dozen mini Reese's Love
2 Dozen mini Red Velvet
2 Dozen mini Caramel Apple Pie
Last week we received an email from Gail, asking if she could place an order for Saturday - and of course, the answer was yes. She is a prior client who ordered cupcakes for her daughter's bridal shower - and we love repeat customers! And know what else is awesome about Gail - the only requirement she had was that we made sure there were 3 dozen Reese's Love - the other flavors she told me to pick from any orders I have that weekend! Whew, she makes life easy :)
So into the kitchen I go. First baked, the Reese's Love - which was nice to be able to make a batch and use them for all the orders of the weekend! Second baked were the Red Velvets...everytime I make the red velvets I think I put too much chocolate in them and they don't look "red" enough...then I have to remind myself that true red velvet is a chocolate based cake....and those creepy red ones you see at the stores are WAY too fake ;)
The last batch that we baked were the Caramel Apple Pie. Yup, that's a new flavor!! I had been experimenting with the recipe for a few weeks (don't worry, blog to follow) and why not let Gail and her group get the first "official" batch?!
Once the Reese's cooled, they were frosted and sprinkled with fall colored sprinkles!
Caramel apple cupcakes cored and filled!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Order Up: Happy Birthday Geeds!!!

Monday, October 31, 2011
Order Up: Happy 2nd Birthday Addison!
3 Dozen Red Velvet
2 Dozen Vanilla Chocolate Chip
1 Jumbo Cupcake
A few weeks ago, Jamie emailed me to place an order for her daughter's 2nd birthday party. Through emails, I got all of the details down - where the party was going to be (at a local pumpkin patch), that the theme was pumpkins and Addison loves Dora the Explorer. Sounds like the perfect match for Klicious!
After she picked her order, It was time to figure out how to incorporate Dora and pumpkins problem - the "kid" cupcakes would get the Dora cupcake picks and the Red Velvet would be decorated to look like pumpkins. I was able to do some google images and come up with a few ideas in my head.
The jumbo cupcake, I wanted to make sure that this was something special for the birthday girl that incorporated both themes. I am in love with the glitter letters that I found at ACMoore and I decided to make cupcake picks with her name on them :
So girly - I love the colors! When it came to decorating, I wanted to use the new piping tip I got to see if I could make the cupcake look like giant roses. I didn't color the frosting because I didn't want too much going on.
I also told Jamie that I would pick up a #2 candle and while I was there, found a little Dora fall set! It had a little pumpkin, and 2 pie pieces - it was so cute that I had to pick it up to complete the look of the cupcake!
Happy 2nd Birthday Addison - hope you had a fun birthday party and got lots of good presents!