The Order:
One Dozen vanilla cupcakes with buttercream icing, decorated girly!
Once again, Ang couldn't resist the cupcakes! She contacted me in the week asking if I could make her cupcakes for Friday night, and how could I say no? So into the kitchen I went on Thursday night to prep the 2 orders for Friday.
As I got ready to make the order, I decided to add some pink food dye to the batter, and also threw in some chocolate chips! YUM. The next morning, the cupcakes were frosted, sugar flowers adorned, and packaged up and ready to take a train ride to the city to meet Gida at work.
Hi pretty cupcakes!

I pack my bags, walk to the train station, take the 27 minute train ride from my house to Suburban Station. I get off the train, walk to 17th and Market. This is where the morning went from smooth to "WTF" in a matter of moments.
One tidbit of info? I was going to 17th and Sansom to drop the cupcakes off. That is 2 blocks from where I was. Being the good citizen that I am, I wait until the light turns green and begin to cross. As I am about 4 steps from the sidewalk, I look up and see a biker riding down 17th...and in slow motion (well it was pretty fast, but I felt like I watched it in slow motion) I see him make a sharp turn onto Market street and he made contact with my hand.
BAM. Cupcakes are a man down. Immediately my inner gremlin takes a hold of me, of course because he didn't stop, and a few explicits fly out of my mouth. Yes there was an F bomb dropped, in between "you've gotta be" and "kidding me". A wonderful lady came up to ask if I was alright, and I told her I was thank God. It just made me want to choke the guy. It wasn't my finest moment, but I digress.
Next thought. OMG the cupcakes!! So I look down and the box is tipped over. My heart sank. I gently picked the box up, walked over to a bench and fixed them as best I could. Lesson learned: Always, always, ALWAYS carry an extra pipping bag with icing with you. The damage wasn't too bad, but I felt terrible. Here's an after shot...
Well Ang, this batch is on me and I hope they were enjoyed by you and the birthday girl!!!
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