Party Time! Girl Scout Decorating Party!
When: Saturday, May 14th, 2011
Where: Chesnut Hill Community Center
For Who: Val's girl scout troop
A few months ago, Steph, Michelle and I were brainstorming ideas of different services/cool things to do with the cupcakes. We came up with a few ideas and decided to add them to our services list! The one that we all agreed upon was a cupcake decorating party. Michelle was talking with her co-worker Val about our ideas and decided that she wanted to book a party for her girl scouts troop.
It was lightining fast and before I knew it, Saturday May 14th, we were going to be entertaining (little did we know we would be the ones ultimately entertained) a group of lovely little girls!
The night before, of course was the baking frenzy! We made plain chocolate cupcakes, plain vanilla cupcakes and chocolate chip vanilla cupcakes. As a special treat, we made our Minty Girl Scout cupcakes for each girl to have!
Steph and I packed up the truck and headed to a Chestnut Hill community center!

Once we arrived, we met Val and her 2 daughters who helped us setup - SO nice to have help!
After the tables were set with about 30 different types of sprinkles, cookies, and candies, the girls started to arrive. Upon arrival, each one got to pick out an apron and begin their traditions of starting an activity - I believe they are required to say their pledge and are given instructions from their leaders. Val really has a way with the girls to have them sit in a circle on focus! I was even invited to join in to explain what they would be doing - it was cute being introduced as "Miss Kelli from Klicious Cupcakes". So awesome!

Once the instructions were give, I frosted a cupcake for each girl and off they went putting sprinkles, candies, cookies, umbrellas, upon their cupcakes!

Once that calmed down, each girl was able to visit a station to learn and frost their own cupcake! They REALLY liked that...and so did I!

It was so nice to stand back and actually see the girls creativity at work. Sometimes as adults, we work towards making sure that everything sits perfectly...where as the girls were adding what they liked, not worrying about the colors clashing, etc. They have some talent!!

It definitely put a smile on my face watching the excitement on their faces and the energy that was swirling around the room!

At the end of the party, each girl was able to go home with 5 cupcakes! As we were packing up, I couldn't do anything but smile as each girl was telling their parents how much fun they had and how they wanted to do it again!

I definitely think this was a success!

For the full photo strip - check it out here:!/media/set/?set=a.131400773607881.35061.112047062209919
Also for more information on how you can host your own decorating party - click here:
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